This is Why Your Engagement Rate is so Low

By StoryStudio May 30, 2019

When shared in the right way, content benefits both your brand image and your bottom line. As one of the most successful and cost-effective tactics for engaging with customers, content marketing brings in leads and facilitates conversions, taking your business to new heights without breaking the bank.

But what happens when you aren’t see the results you hoped for from the content you’ve published?

It might be time to audit your content strategy. If your content isn’t knocking it out of the park with your audience, here are 3 potential reasons why.  

Your content isn’t designed to be shared.

Every time you build new content, your goal is to produce something that will influence your target audience and bring exposure to your brand. One repost can introduce your content to an entirely new audience. Your content represents your brand and is often a new customer's introduction to your business, so make sure you post the valuable content that will educate and inspire readers. If viewers feel like they are gaining something from your content, rather than being sold to, they will not only enjoy their experience more, but have a more positive view of your brand as well.

You’re lacking an emotional connection. 

You should aim to achieve an emotional reaction from your viewers.

Pay attention to how your audience interacts with your posts and what types of content resonates the most. Likes, comments, and shares on social media posts as well as time spent on the page in question and bounce rate are great metrics to look at when evaluating which of your content performed the best.

For instance, consider asking your audience if they learned about your business via referral or internet search. The best content elicits great feedback, whether in the form of comments, replies, or filled-out surveys. As Gary Vaynerchuk says, “What you do after you create your content is what truly counts.”


You need a more diverse distribution strategy.

Are you posting on the same social media channel all the time?

You should consider using an average of five social media platforms, according to marketer Neil Patel. Or, he recommends, you should use an average of four formats for distribution, with social media, email, blogs, in-person events, and print as examples.

Don’t expect your audience to only be in one place. Diversify the ways in which you try to reach them in order to increase engagement.

Is your content seeing low traffic, clicks, or ROI? Keep a watchful eye on how your audience is engaging with what you post. Remember: the most successful content marketing strategies reflect your business’s values and goals. It’s your job not only to stick to the plan, but to create a strategy that is clear and detailed from the start. 

Want some expert assistance with your content marketing?
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