Consider These 19 Questions When Creating New Content

By Chloe Dinsdale Aug 8, 2019

There is so much more to a successful content marketing strategy than just great content.

The content creation process should focus on clear and powerful brand messaging that customers can recognize and understand. You may be crafting content for distribution in the short term, but you are also crafting a marketing plan for the long term.

Want to set your content up for success? Have an honest assessment of what you have to offer, and how you want your target audience to respond or react to what you’re putting out these.

Answer these crucial strategy questions and then get your creative juices flowing: 

  • What goals is your brand, business, or company seeking to achieve?
  • How can content support these goals?
  • What audience are you working to reach?
  • Which already released content—if any—is popular with users? How can you repurpose this content or emulate it in future pieces?
  • Which content is not performing well, and why?
  • Does your content speak to buyer personas?
  • How does your target audience use the internet, and where do they spend the most time? 
  • What are your target audience's specific online behaviors, patterns, or routines?
  • What tools do you need to execute your content creation strategies?
  • Have you created a content calendar?
  • What is your budget for this campaign?
  • What will your distribution or publishing plan consist of?
  • Is your content creation workflow efficient? Do you need more resources or an increased budget?
  • Does your content show a variety of mediums?
  • Does your content show an understanding of the wants, needs, and challenges of the consumer?
  • What are the attitudes, aspirations, demographic data of your target audience—and can you creatively reference these in your content?
  • What are your competitors doing?
  • Does this content align with your brand’s mission or message?

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