What Does Smart Content Marketing Look Like During a Pandemic?

By StoryStudio Nov 16, 2020

Is now the time for your brand to social distance, too?

Although social distancing is currently the best way to combat the spread of COVID-19, you shouldn't be distancing yourself from your digital audience right now. Content marketing is more important now than ever before. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, customers are looking for guidance, reassurance, and a bit of an escape. Your brand should focus on providing content that hits all these marks. Your customers may have a lot on their minds right now, but they will remember how you make them feel when they interact with your brand. Your content should be looking quite a bit different now than it was before the pandemic, which can seem daunting, but brands now have a unique opportunity to reach their audience in new ways. Customers expect businesses to address the pandemic and our "new normal", and the time is now to be a leader and build a community around your brand. A consistent stream of relevant and valuable content is key, especially with people spending more time at home and on the web. Brands or businesses that are silent right now will be forgotten, while the ones who are evolving to meet the challenges of content marketing today are emerging as industry leaders.  

Using Content to Combat the Impact of COVID-19

As these unprecedented times move forward, you must adjust how you communicate with customers. Don’t stop delivering content; instead, tailor the message to fit what is going on in the world. Consider sharing how you and your employees are staying safe, or how your organization is giving back. At the same time, continue to provide content that addresses other needs or desires of your audience.  

Smart content marketing during a pandemic involves an increased online presence. Not only should you adapt and adjust your messaging, but IRL experiences need to be translated into the digital realm. As a brand or business, interactive content and virtual experiences are now especially crucial when reaching your community and continuing to grow. Invest in webinars, live streams, video chats, direct messaging, and more. Increase your efforts towards content creation in order to increase your visibility, reliability, and overall prominence.

Create a Strategy for Handling Online Reviews. 

Do you have a bunch of online reviews sitting without an official answer from you and your business? When consumers see other customer feedback — whether on Yelp, Google Reviews, or elsewhere — they take this feedback into account when making their next purchasing decision. Thoughtful responses to reviews of your products or services (whether they are positive or negative) are appreciated by the everyday consumer. Do you have an online review strategy? Create or fine-tune one if it already exists. Craft up template responses, determine your brand’s messaging and tone, and provide the steps needed in case further customer service efforts have to be utilized.

Focus On Your Website. 

With more people staying at home and staying online, you can expect your website to hold more importance for your content strategies. If you had previously slacked on website organization and design, now is the perfect time to spend some more energy on getting it just right for the consumer. Not only does your website represent your brand or business, but it can function as a content hub and even a magnet for leads. It's time to revamp your landing pages, update your blog, work on case studies, and fine-tune your SEO strategy.  As you take a closer look at your digital presence, double-check to make sure all of your links are functional and lead your consumers to the right place. Why organize all of your content only to post broken links? 

Offer Reassurance in Your Outreach. 

The relationships you have maintained with your customers before the pandemic now need extra nurturing. How you reach out at this time will depend on what kind of brand or business you own, as well as the strength of your relationship with consumers. Build up these connections and this trust. Perhaps hold virtual check-ins or craft educational content that can be used as a resource by your audience. It's time to build your digital community, and the best way to do this is with content. 

When the pandemic has subsided, the world may be much different than the way we left it pre-coronavirus. For a successful future, lay down a strong foundation in content marketing today. 

We know that crafting and executing a robust content marketing plan can be daunting. Need some assistance? We're here to help! Drop us a line here and we will be in touch.