Top 6 Statistics That Prove Customers Want Your Content, Not Ads

By StoryStudio Jun 5, 2019

It’s true — consumers are shying away from advertisements that use obvious sales tactics. 

Thanks to trends in social media and the ability to research brands and products on the internet, consumers are placing a high value on transparency and authenticity. They don’t want to feel overwhelmed by traditional marketing tactics, one reason why less disruptive native advertising campaigns have become increasingly popular as of late. 

“84% of millennials don’t trust traditional advertising.”

  • Looking to attract millennials? Don’t travel the route of old-school and traditional marketing, which includes pop-up ads, radio ads, or direct mail campaigns. Instead, showcase your brand or products on social media platforms in a natural way that doesn’t scream “advertisement.” (Hubspot)

“63% of consumers said they’d think more positively of a brand if it gave them content that was more valuable, interesting or relevant.”

  • Want consumers to view your brand or product in a favorable way? According to Rapt Media, the best way is to approach them with content.

“77% of consumers have chosen, recommended, or paid more for a brand that provides a personalized service or experience.”

  • Consumers are more likely to buy from or recommend a brand when they are able to think positively about it. Content can be a powerful tool to improve brand visibility and image, and personalized content can lead to higher engagement and more purchases. (Forrester)

“63% of respondents are highly annoyed by the way brands continue to rely on the old-fashioned strategy of blasting generic ad messages repeatedly.”

  • This statistic from Marketo makes it clear that traditional ads are on their way out.

Millennials are 44% more likely to trust experts (who are also often strangers) over advertisements, and 247% more likely to be influenced by social networking sites or blogs.

  • Millennials spend a lot of time researching purchases before making their final buying decision. A salesperson may sway the decision of a millennial buyer, but more often than not, these users look to online content (blog posts, reviews, influencers) to help make decisions. (Hubspot)

Did you know that 78% of consumers will trust your brand if you create more customized content? 

  • This is because these very same consumers believe that organizations that provide custom content are organizations interested in building good relationships. (Ion Interactive)

Content marketing works to create useful, valuable, and relevant content in order to attract the right audience for you. When you develop strong content, you develop a strong relationship with current and potential prospects. With 61% of consumers influenced by custom content (according to Dragon Search Marketing), make sure you dedicate time to the creation of content that will surely build success for your brand. 

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