StoryStudio Insights

The Key Metrics to Keep in Mind to Craft a Successful Data-Driven Content Strategy

Written by StoryStudio | Jul 10, 2019 8:14:46 PM

You don't have to have a degree in data science to pull valuable insights from your digital campaign results.

Data-driven marketing should be an integral part of every digital strategy. It's important for marketers to have an understanding of the data they have available and how to apply learnings from past campaigns to future ones for more engagements, greater ROI, and an enhanced customer experience. Content creation requires creativity, but at the same time, effective content will reflect learnings you've gathered from your data analysis.

Pay attention to the following brand metrics to measure the success of your digital marketing campaigns.

Site visitors.

As a content marketer, you will benefit greatly from paying attention to how people interact with your website. Knowing just how many people per month are venturing over to your website, where they come from, and any demographics you can gather about them will help inform future content and advertising tactics.

Is your content strong enough to compel readers and visitors to return to your site? You will know if you are creating content that excites and engages your audience if metrics such as site visitor growth, bounce rate, and session length improve over time. And if these metrics are underwhelming, then it's time to go back to the drawing board. 

Brand Sentiment.

This may seem daunting to track, but the sentiment around your brand is an incredibly useful metric to pay attention to.
How does your audience feel about your brand or business? Is your brand sentiment overwhelmingly positive? Neutral? Outrageously negative? Or does your audience not have a clear idea of what your brand stands for? Run studies, share polls, hold focus groups, or conduct surveys to discern how your audience perceives your brand. Use your findings to guide what type of content you create and publish and whether you should be spending more time engaging with your community.
If you're looking to boost your brand awareness and position your brand as a leader in your industry, custom sponsored content is a great way to get started.

Social Media Engagements. 

The data you garner from your social media accounts should have a major impact on the content you create. Likes, shares, retweets, and other social engagements signal which content pieces really speak to your audience and give you insights into what types of content perform the best on certain platforms.
Kristen Poli, Contently strategist, confirms this: “As search engines become even more sophisticated,” she says, “social signals will become one of the most important ranking factors for content.”
If a content piece performs exceptionally well on social, replicate it!