A Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy Doesn't Need a Large Budget

By Alison Pfaff Jun 21, 2019

If your finger is on the pulse of today’s marketing trends, you know about the incredible results content marketing can bring your business. Readers love to devour all types of digital content, plus it strengthens brand recognition, leading to more business and increased profit. 

Although content marketing can lead to big results, it doesn't have to be a big bet. Any brand or business can see major results from content marketing. If you are a small business with limiting marketing dollars, or if you have a barely-there budget for a specific initiative, your content marketing efforts can still be incredibly successful. Here are 3 low-budget content marketing ideas you can start implementing today.

Start Blogging

It may sound like a simple idea, but blogs are easily one the best ways you can connect with your target audience and build awareness about your brand. Because there are a number of low-cost platforms you can use to help host and design your own blog, you can publish one yourself without having to hire a pricy web developer.

Blogs make it easy to bring consumers valuable and interesting content, all while telling your brand’s story and engaging with customers through comments and replies.

Email is a Direct Line to Your Audience

In this world of social media posts, text messages, and instant chat groups, emails may seem a little outdated. But you’ll be surprised at just how much value email marketing can bring you.

If you have an existing email list, you already have an existing group of people who are interested in what you have to say. And believe it or not, 61% of consumers actually enjoy receiving weekly promotional emails — 38% even report that they would like emails to be more frequent! If you are uncertain about what email can do for you, remember that for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $38. Not too shabby.

Engage on Social Media

Get well acquainted with social media. Establish your presence on the platforms most relevant to your target demographic, and create and post your own content. The most popular and most effective social platforms, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are free to join and even without paid social ads, organic engagements are highly valuable. The type of content you can post is diverse, from behind the scenes pictures and product shots, to how-to videos, to client testimonials. You can also use your social platforms to provide customer service to customers.

One key to achieving organic social media engagement is staying authentic and true to your brand. When your mission shows through in your posts, followers will grow to trust your brand, grow loyalty towards your products, and show you some love on the platform.


  • These low-cost content marketing methods take a small amount of funds from your budget and a small amount of time from your day. However, as long as you consistently post valuable and relevant content, the benefits to your company will be huge. Curious about more ways you can incorporate content into your marketing strategy? Contact the StoryStudio to learn more.

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