StoryStudio Insights

This Is How the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa Used Storytelling to Win Over Travelers

Written by StoryStudio | Mar 25, 2020 10:33:18 PM

For Texans in the Austin area and beyond, Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa is a favorite local getaway and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The resort offers world-class event facilities, top of the line amenities, and family-friendly activities.

StoryStudio partnered with Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa to highlight what exactly makes the Hyatt Regency so special. Our goal was to show people why it is the ideal place for travelers in search of a memorable Texas escape.

The resort, which is ranked by Travel + Leisure as one of the World’s Best Hotels and Resorts for Families, offers something for everyone—and StoryStudio worked to appeal to multigenerational families, their target audience. In order to do this, StoryStudio crafted a story around the concept of “finding your Lost Pines moment.” With rich visuals and colorful language, StoryStudio’s story and campaign on the Hyatt Regency both shows and tells why visiting this exceptional resort makes for a great family getaway.

We launched the campaign during the resort’s peak travel season– the beginning of summer– and targeted families in the Texas Triangle area: Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas–Fort Worth. Families in these cities and “weekend warriors” alike were encouraged to visit the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa for a fun-filled getaway.

After the first run of the story proved to be successful, StoryStudio updated it to reflect more of the resort’s offerings, and also geo-targeted regions that bring a large percentage of tourism to Austin. The relaunched nationwide campaign expanded to reach New York City; Chicago; Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia; and Boston metropolitan areas, with native placements also being run in trusted regional properties (e.g., the Chicago Tribune) and top national publications (e.g., CNN).

The StoryStudio campaign was massively successful. Over 2.1 million impressions were served to Hyatt’s target audience, and over 14,000 engaged users read the story, spending an average of 2:16 minutes with the content. In fact, the average time spent on the story was 143% higher than the benchmark for all sponsored content (53 seconds), which makes it clear that we were able to connect and truly resonate with readers.

Ultimately, Brooke Grant, Marketing Manager at Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa, recommends the StoryStudio team to “other hotels and resorts looking to take their message to new audiences with a clever and captivating tone.” According to Grant, the StoryStudio team “was very resourceful in crafting a feature that spoke to our resort’s unique selling points and key differentiators while keeping the content relevant to multigenerational families.”

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