StoryStudio Insights

Why 2019 is the Year of Custom Content

Written by StoryStudio | Jun 3, 2019 6:26:08 PM

Strive to impress your audience by getting personal with custom content.

At the heart of any strong and effective marketing strategy is the creation of quality content. Articles, videos, infographics — when a consumer researches products online, it is the content they come across that influences, and is ultimately the determining factor, when it comes down to buying decisions. 

These days, what really dazzles your customers is not just regular, run-of-the-mill content. The bare minimum just won’t cut it anymore! This year, something else reigns supreme.

Strive to impress your audience by getting personal with custom content.

A study by marketing research firm Demand Metric revealed that 82% of online consumers "felt more positive about a brand after they read content that was customized for that specific brand.” Custom content informs; it also builds a relationship of trust between your brand and customers.

In 2019, we are already seeing the appearance of a number of custom content trends. 

Content personalization is taking place across numerous platforms and industries, since personally relevant content is a “determining factor” in the purchasing decisions of 78% of consumers.

According to Invesp research, 57% of shoppers are "willing to give away their personal information in order to benefit from personalization” — this increase of personalization can even lead to a 500% consumer spending increase as well. Struggling to think of an example of personalized content? Consider Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” marketing campaign, which replaced the classic Coke logo on bottles with the phrase “Share a Coke with” followed by someone’s name. This campaign grew sales for the famous brand for the first time in over a decade. 

"Interactivity gives consumers
memorable brand experiences."

Another 2019 custom content trend involves providing interactivity between the brand and the consumer. For example, Oreo once created a 360-degree interactive virtual reality video that let viewers immerse themselves in an animated Oreo factory. This campaign promoted the new cupcake-flavored range of Oreo cookies and was viewed over 3.2 million times. 

Interactivity gives consumers memorable brand experiences, leading to increased audience engagement, stronger credibility, and more trust among consumers. If you want one way for your brand to really stand out from the crowd of competitors, interactive content will be key.

To attract and appeal to an engaged audience, you have to understand that consumers know how to ignore blatant advertisements, which dilutes the effectiveness of many traditional ads.

So, what is a business or marketer to do? Prioritize creating custom content, and success will follow.
Want to get started crafting custom content for your brand or business?
We are here to help! Introduce yourself here to get started.