StoryStudio Insights

Interactive Video Will Transform Your Marketing Strategy

Written by Alison Pfaff | Jul 11, 2019 7:04:53 PM

It’s time to get creative with video.

Video content is a powerful tool to grab the attention of your target audience. Most companies have at least dipped their toes in when it comes to creating video content. At this point consumers are used to being bombarded with videos every time they scroll down their Facebook News Feed or read a blog post. That’s why it’s important now more than ever to craft innovative, interactive video content that will not only stand out to your audience, but be engaging and leave a positive impression of your brand.

If you’re looking to engage and excite consumers—while staying miles ahead of competitors—create interactive video. 

Wondering what interactive video can do for you and your target audience?

With interactive video, you can easily link to your social media platforms.

Did you know brand videos on YouTube can post external links with annotations? This allows you to bring your video viewers directly to your social pages and more qualified leads into the funnel. This makes interactive video a valuable part of your integrated marketing efforts.

Harness viewer traffic and bring them to the top of the funnel.

Did you know you can even ask viewers to visit your other content in the annotations on an interactive video? Issue a call to action—“Get 15% off your first order!”—and link to your website, blog post, or online store. The linked annotated text won’t interrupt your video and can give users a major opportunity to engage even further while you bring them through the conversion path. 

Increased viewer attention.

Most videos on YouTube have an average view time of only a few seconds. Sounds discouraging, right? However, viewers will be much more interested in your video content if they are able to consistently engage with it through interactive features. Studies show that a whopping 64% of consumers are more likely to spend more time with video content if the video is interactive. 

Increase your digital reach.

When your content is interactive and provides value to your viewers, more will subscribe to your channels or email lists. And, as viewer engagement increases, so will video shares. Quality interactive video is a huge opportunity for brands to grow their contact lists and reach new potential customers.