StoryStudio Insights

5 Tactics We Use at StoryStudio to Amplify Your Content

Written by Alison Pfaff | Aug 12, 2019 5:53:29 PM
Content breeds credibility. In fact, when evaluating both companies and products, 95% of B2B buyers consider vendor-related content to be trustworthy. At StoryStudio, our team of Creative Strategists works closely with our partners to craft content that truly matters, telling captivating stories and inspiring action from readers. But creating valuable content is only the beginning of a successful content marketing program. The old saying "If you build it, they will come" doesn't exactly apply.
So, what’s the next step? To make sure your target audience engages with your story at the right place and the right time, we utilize innovative distribution methods and targeting tactics. From native advertising placements on trusted Hearst properties to targeted email campaigns, putting your content in front of the right people is not only central to a successful content marketing plan but a key component of StoryStudio campaigns.

Here's a breakdown of 5 targeting tactics we swear by.



We use geo-targeting to deliver content to a reader based on their location. Whether your targeting goal is as broad as reaching people throughout the entire United States, or as narrow as specific zip codes in a San Francisco neighborhood, we are able to utilize premium placements through the Hearst network to place your content where it matters.

We are able to geo-target by:

  • Country
  • State
  • City
  • Designated Market Area
  • Zip Code
Contextual targeting

Contextual targeting is a hyper-personalized targeting tactic that enables us to deliver content to the right audience at the right place and the right time. With contextual targeting, we use behavioral categories and keywords to deliver native ad placements alongside relevant content. Layering contextual targeting tactics into a campaign enables us to put your content in front of interested viewers, resulting in an enhanced user-experience and higher click-through rates, more engagement with your brand, and a longer average time spent interacting with the content.



Another location-based targeting tactic we use is geo-fencing. All our stories are optimized for mobile viewing, and we continue to see the percentage of readers engaging with our content on their smartphones grow. Our partners want to reach their audience while they’re on the go, and that's where geo-fencing comes in. Geo-fencing allows us to draw virtual geographic boundaries around a specific area and ad placements are triggered to appear when your target reader enters this geo-fenced location.

Use cases include: 


Demographic targeting

Demographic targeting narrows down the audience to show ad placements to viewers based on their age, gender, household income, parental status, and marital status. Demographic targeting is based on the personas you want to reach, and also is used to exclude those not in your target audience. Adding a layer of demographic targeting to campaigns helps to ensure that budgets are optimized, content is delivered only to relevant parties, and your ROI is maximized.


Retargeting is a tactic that allows us to re-engage with individuals who have already viewed content. We keep track of all visitors to our stories, and then follow them around the web, displaying native ads to bring them back to the story. Retargeting is a great tactic to use for both conversion campaigns, as it helps to convert "window shoppers," and brand awareness focused campaigns since it keeps your business top of mind. 

A combination of targeting tactics will ensure engagement with your desired reader or online user. We swear by it, and promotional plans are included with all content created by StoryStudio. This allows our partners to reach their desired audience in contextually relevant environments, as StoryStudio leverages premium Hearst network inventory, social media placements, proprietary data, and advanced optimization technology across all platforms to maximize engagement.


Introduce yourself here to chat with our creative team and learn more about what StoryStudio can do for you.